SATURDAY ROCKED! Okay it was Rae's birthday and guess what! We (the c'div) baked a nice and soft(?) chocolate cake for her! She was really surprised luh (beams!) Okay there's alot of pictures and one that is like totally intellectually disabled (in short, stupid) because, because! I look like I have a square head! Okay forget about that. Shall post the pictures up soon, when I get them or someone post them. Did I forget to mention? I'm in the computer lab (once again) with Tricia Kok and Sharlene. Oh yes and I saved Trik's day (totally) because I saved her flashing flash project. Alright, where was I? Um, yeah watched Kungfu Dunk with the team (not all were present, though) and I think it totally rocked! Okay at least because I love basketball? It's quite a
typical movie but for typical movie-goers (like me), I think it's fine. I'm not a superb critic or whatsoever so yeah, trust my taste or not, it's your choice.
Sunday was normal, received a sunflower (I bet you're jealous, rah) from darling Joan! Gosh, she looked so sad when she was deep in prayer (doubt she knows I saw her) but she seems like she had so much in mind. Wonder if she's alright at this point in time (sighs a million) and guess what! There'll be a choir camp this year (I hope!) depends on when Godbrother's 'O's start. Aye!
Monday's match - disaster. Oh and I sat out (again) maybe because I suck or what? But that's not the point. The team didn't play well. Everything we are supposed to do were not really done. Yeah, timing and passes brought us down. But (at least) we won. But then again, that's not the point. Well, we know what we should know. Shouldn't blog about it anymore. Oh yes and I joked about ahem and ahem before the match. SUPER FUNNAYE PUHLEASE!
NANYANG MATCH TOMORROW!(we'll prove ourselves, won't we?)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
3:14 PM
Aye, I'm currently waiting for TRICIA KOK YI(N) TONG to do her stupid flash project. Okay, she just made me laugh. I think she's an idiot luh, g3gtrehudtjys okay that was Tricia. She's so manly, you know! You should have heard what she said in her MANLY voice. Hor, now she's using her handphone in the computer lab! Not just any computer lab okay. It's the school's computer lab so PLEASE ANNOUNCE THAT TO THE WORLD!
Kok: What you trying to do man!
Livia: I'm trying to let her (the teacher) know luh! Then she'll confiscate your phone. That's the best part you know!
Kok continues to SMS in the lab.
Livia: HELLOOO KOK! You're suppose to be doing your (stinking) flash project. How dare you be a flasher on Valentine's day anyway?
Oh yes, I'm crippled on Valentine's (sadly). I fell during training yesterday. Oh and there's a match with Regent on Monday! Unfortunately, (pig) Tricia has MC from PE until the 18 of February! Oh wait wait wait, now her flash project is REALLY (I mean really) flashing because that (ahem) adorable Tricia doesn't know how to make her button work. NOW THE PIG IS COUGHING (and she just said she's clever) but her button STILL doesn't work. Shush, she's talking to the computer.
Fine, I think you can see that I'm really bored. Okay, I know this post is really not so very nice because it's full of TRICIA THE (I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE).
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, mudman!(and I can't believe I just spent mine w kok, in a lab)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
9:38 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
9:45 PM
Ha, I think my life is really interesting. Chyi, Tricia and I ran 5 rounds shouting "I will not play in the rain again" after the match today. But we only shouted for 2 and a half rounds or so because 3 of us were like dying halfway so we continued running w/o shouting. Imagine, after all that (ahem) embarrassment, we don't regret playing in the rain because it was really really very fun. Ha, 3 against 6 with the nanhua people (we managed to score 2 okay, power ah!) Oh yes, today's match was so super
tensed? I didn't play (sadly) because I guess Ms Puva didn't dare to sub people in (esp when the scores are not very far apart and the ground is wet!) Ha, was quite a good game today. I LOVE MY TEAM!
Let's play
our game.
(believing is winning)