Picture perfect.
I turn 14 today (updated)
This post is well, a post to thank all those who wished me, celebrated with me, gave me presents. I owe a big 'thank you' the following:
Dad, Mom and Big Brother (ha) for singing me 'Happy Birthday' at 12.23am today morning.
Claudia and her daddy (who shares the same birthday as me), Lixuan, Cynthia and Chyi for celebrating with me and giving that heart-shaped strawberry cake. It was really awesome, the camwhoring (I shall post them later) and mass eating at SAKURA!
Claudia (again) for calling me to tell me 'Happy Birthday' without realising that I am already online.
Tan Jia Jun who asked Claudia to help wish me.
Kheehui and Irene who went to the track to tell/shout at me 'Happy Birthday' yesterday morning at around 7.40am?
Jiawei and Averil for the cute Winnie the Pooh diary and pen.
Bully Gang for the present that was wrapped with 14 layers of wrapping paper. Inside was a HUGE SPECS that I can't wear (because I've got flat nose) and the fish hairclip (the so-called mystery present).
Fang Yuan for the cute little mushroom keychain.
Lixuan (again) for a nice small card.
Sarah And Rachel (?) for the temporary shirt (because she forgot the salicia tee) and the sushi that Sarah owed me since last year.
Tessa Kok for the nice sweet card and frame/picture/note thing.
Cheryl Anne for the card (and I'm sorry for losing the pictures, ha).
Venus and Vernice Teo for their handmade cards (really sweet of you two, ya).
Joei and Jonathan Leong for a handmade paper rose, a readymade cute blue rose and flower-like candle.
Tricia Kok Yi(n) Tong for texting me a message at 12.02am that reads:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAHAHAHAHA I BELIEVE YOU WILL GET A LOT ALOT ALOT OF PRESENTS! haha i wrap your present until very nice right? i know and did you get the mystery present?
Those who texted meEsther Lee Jia Xian at 7.03am
(I really didn't forget you, not so easy)Shawn We at 7.23am
Bianca at 9.10am
(Happy birthday to you too, girl)Chen Jiawei at 9.22am
Averil at 9.26am
(Sorry for not picking up your call)Lim Yu Yan at 9.37am
Tan Kim Yee at 9.56am
Joycelyn at 10.13am
Tay Lin at 11.12am
(Thanks for wanting me to receive at 11.11)Sherry Wong at 12.37pm
Shawn Sim at 2.05pm
Sarah Goh Hui Xian at 2.29pm
Kristal Low YL at 2.46pm
Lois Ong at 2.46pm
Kimberly at 4.25pm
Huey Chyi (again) at 5.48pm
Rui Xiong at 6.22pm
(wonder what time that is in Sweeden)Shakthi at 7.14pm
Venus Teo at 9.16pm
(she texted when I was right next to her)Jeffrey and Jason Li from 9.24pm to 9.26pm
Nicole Lim at 10.07pm
Ern Chuen at 10.30pm
Cyrus Chng at 11.18pm
Kelly Yap at 11.31pm
Those who wished me on MSNClaudia, Lixuan, Matt, Wei Kai, Sze Fan, Rae, Hanni, Shawn Sim, Darren Yang, Santhosh (who remembered thanks to some birthday calendar, ha), Geraldine Tee, Marcus, Irene and Roy.
Friendster wishesFiona, Christabel, Siuyi, Aaroson and Meiqi.
And all those who wished me on the tagboard, thanks alot!Well, lame and long post but really, with my whole heart I thank you guys for tolerating my nonsense, my absence and well, for everything especially yesterday and today!
9:35 PM
Nah, nothing's over.
AND YES, EVERYTHING'S JUST ABOUT TO BEGIN (again). I've got to finish my Geography Proposal, Music (lyrics) and CID Report before Week 10. Oh well, there goes my so-called post examinations stuff. ARGH, but this weekend is dang packed okay! Want to celebrate stuff also have to feel pressure. Aye, what kind of life is this man.
BUT I AM STILL GOING TO CELEBRATE! YAY!Claudie's dad is going to treat the usual few out for Sakura tomorrow! THANK YOU, UNCLE! Ha, we shall camwhore the night away and maybe kok's coming too (highly impossible) but yeah. HA FRIDAY'S HERE! But well, we've got a run at 1430 hours tmrw, wonder what we going to do. Hope ML doesn't give us some hiong routine (crosses finger).
Oh yes, about my math paper? It's okay, either A1 or A2 (I hope?) although I screwed my last second question. Hm, been a long time since I watched TV! So I shall stop right here.
10:29 PM
Screwed, maybe.
Well, 5/6 of my papers are finished and yes, I'm finished too. AH, let me give you a summary of how my papers are going.
Language Arts -
Okay, if I don't screw my RR.
Chinese -
Okay, I (most probably) improved!
History -
Maybe considered screwed?Science -
Screwed, WHY!
Geography -
Okay, pretty easy paper.
Okay meaning can pass, don't think too highly of it)
I'm so totally angry with myself for not reading and checking out all the questions before starting the chem paper. WHATTHEHECK OKAY! I didn't finish the last few questions (free response) which adds about to 10 (or more) marks! And the saddest part is that I KNOW HOW TO ANSWER ALL OF THEM. So if I fail, I will be so (freaking) pissed with myself, yo!
Tomorrow's math so I hope my paper would be alright and I can keep my A1 there. You know, math is the ONLY subject I ace. Pathetic huh.
Oh well, nights world.
10:53 AM

HAPPY LABOUR DAY (my ass). Ha, alrighties we changed seats for exam period yesterday. AND AMAZINGLY, I am still beside Jiawei. How pathetic! HAHAHA, and JW you will be the last person I link if I am ever going to link anyone! I am studying (can you believe it?) so I have got to go. It is for real this time, hiatus.